#197: What Type Of Cold Am I Experiencing?The room temperature is 21 degrees Celsius and I am wrapped in 3 layers of warm clothes. Any good reason to stuff a hot water bottle…Jan 20, 202271Jan 20, 202271
#195: It Wouldn’t Be The Same Without You.Kindness is everywhere. If we just notice.Jan 18, 202243Jan 18, 202243
#194: Moving The Goalposts Is Perfectly Fine.They stand there for a reason. Once they game has started, you are not meant to move them. You should. I strongly recommend you even make…Jan 12, 202218Jan 12, 202218
#193: It Is Time To Diversify Your Portfolio Of Wealth.You already hold numerous forms of wealth. They just don’t show up on your bank statement.Jan 8, 202234Jan 8, 202234
#192: Acting On Good Advice.There is lots of good advice out there. Some of it never comes your way, but when it does, do you act on it?Jan 7, 20229Jan 7, 20229
#191: What Would It Feel Like To Be The Human Endling?This goes beyond one’s own death. We are talking end of humanity.Jan 5, 2022Jan 5, 2022
#190: Starting A Brand New Ending.This is a great sign. Assuming responsibility for a living being takes courage and requires a belief in a favorable future.Jan 4, 20224Jan 4, 20224
#189: What About The Upside?It is time to unlearn the way we define and manage risks. It pays off to increase our exposure to both negative and positive events.Jan 3, 202212Jan 3, 202212
#188: 88.Speaking of coincidences, this obviously isn’t one, although it carries all necessary traits.Jan 2, 20221Jan 2, 20221
#187: The Magic Of Keeping GoingThere is no such thing as a coincidence. And yet, some moments are more perfect than others to pick up a book titled «theWARofART».Jan 1, 20221Jan 1, 20221
#186: What I Have Learned From Failing 179 Times In 2021.Failing isn’t really the hard part. Drawing the right lessons is.Dec 31, 20211Dec 31, 20211
#185: I Am Going To Die.It is unlikely to happen today or tomorrow. However, my chances increase exponentially next week. I even signed up for it.Dec 9, 2021Dec 9, 2021
#183: Why It Is True That I Am Not Saving Someone Else’s Life.I know what they say about being emotional and acting on it. Take a nap. Sleep over it. It will help you “regain control” over how…Nov 14, 2021Nov 14, 2021
#182: I Can See It. So It Is Real.Once upon a time, the tiny baby fox Dominique lived in a dark forest with her parents and her baby brother. Dominique was the bravest and…Nov 7, 2021Nov 7, 2021
#181: Dinner For OneWe have all watched it (at least in this part of the world). It’s sad, isn’t it? And yet, it makes us all laugh.Oct 30, 2021Oct 30, 2021
#180: Energy Fuels Discipline.Today is day 291 of the year. Therefore, this should have been my post #291 on Medium. What went wrong?Oct 18, 2021Oct 18, 2021
#179: I Want To Live (Now)We had this conversation some time ago. So much more serious than I had anticipated. A straightforward statement to me. She felt hurt.Oct 12, 20211Oct 12, 20211
#178: Trust Me.How much do you trust yourself? Enough so for others to trust you?Jul 6, 2021Jul 6, 2021