#103: Looking Back.
How will I feel about April 13, 2021, in a month, a year or 20 years from now? It is highly unlikely I will remember anything about today.
Two thoughts come to mind.
1. How could I make this very day memorable?
It could start with me. Making me smile. Treating myself for delicious food. Enjoying a break, doing nothing, letting my mind wander. Giving myself a pat on the back. Showing gratitude. Not being so hard on myself.
Quite a few choices it seems. It doesn’t have to stop there. What about those around me?
Making him smile. Treating them for a homemade dessert. Letting others enjoy a break. Giving her a pat on the back. Saying «thank you». Not being so hard on anyone.
Funny how it works both ways.
«One day you’ll look back and realize how hard it was, and just how well you did.»
Charlie Mackesy
2. Why worry about anything that won’t matter in the long run?
The two aspects to consider here are the magnitude of what appears to be a problem and the difference between what I do and don’t do.
Whatever I worry about today is most likely a non-event in the big scheme of things. It might not even qualify as a problem. What is the definition of a problem anyway? Not an easy one to answer. And five people would give you at least 6 different definitions. That is also what I call «Relativity Theory in Practice». Most of what we deal with is relatively not so important or critical. However, we often reach such conclusion only in hindsight.
That is when asking how I was likely to look at this situation at a point in time in the future becomes really useful. You know exactly what the realization will be 9 times out of 10. Yes, you’re right.
The other consideration is your action versus your inaction. Unless you cause irreparable harm with your action, the consequence of your action will either lead to some sort of acceptable result or could be reversed one way or another. What you should be much more concerned about is what you don’t do. The decision you don’t make. The position you don’t defend. The risk you don’t take.
«It is not death most people are afraid of, it ist getting to the end of life only to realize that you never truly lived.»
Tuesday, April 13, 2021, was one of those days. Rather unremarkable. No harm done. Not much joy experienced and given either.
I can do better than that and there is no better time to start than tomorrow.