#118: My Style.
It is well known that there is no accounting for taste. What about style?
I am not sure, but I would argue the same rule applies to style. If nobody else, Gore Vidal would jump to my support:
“Style is knowing who you are, what you want to say, and not giving a damn.“
That is a tough call. It might sound really easy, but it is not. Not giving a damn could be fun. It is not, as far as I can tell. Don’t even get me started on the first two parts of Vidal’s quote.
Knowing who you are. Right now? Or 2 years ago? Are or have always been? Well, it says “are” and not “were”, so I am pretty sure Vidal refers to the present. It is about who we are today. That makes it easier, doesn’t it?
Knowing, on the other hand, it rather specific. It is a powerful word not to be used lightly. Vidal could have said “thinking”, “guessing”, “understanding” or “learning”, which ultimately reminds me of Socrates:
“I know I am intelligent because I know nothing.“
I would go as far as saying that I know myself better today than I ever did at any previous moment of my life. I still consider it a moving target as we develop for the better or worse on a daily basis. Important to take note of those changes. It is obviously easier to “account for our improvements”, especially the ones that make us proud of ourselves, while “discounting any possible deterioration” in who we are or become.
Let’s just acknowledge that who we are isn’t carved in stone. It doesn’t save us from having to keep a close eye on ourselves and to have those regular conversations with ourselves in order not to lose sight of who we are (at any particular moment in time) and who we are becoming. That is stylish behavior according to Vidal. I don’t disagree.
Knowing what we want to say. What caught my attention in this part of Vidal’s quote is the verb “want”. Why didn’t he use “have”? Wanting to say implies a conscious choice. It means that you intentionally hold back what you DON’T WANT to say. And you don’t talk about it because you once again know that you don’t want to. Choose your words wisely. That is what expresses style in Vidal’s definition. I like it.
Not giving a damn. Yes and no. Yes, when it comes to you. Just ignore others when they have an opinion about you. I don’t read it as “a call to show indifference towards the world”. That is a no in my view. Being able to let go is so helpful. Not giving a fuss about petty problems helps you preserve energy. Focus on what really counts. Make that your sole priority and give a damn about the rest.
My style? Colorful socks give me joy when I am not walking barefooted while reading a book. I am calling out b******* when I hear it. Approaching the tender age of 50, I still dream and love to experience as well as give joy. I love to live life fully and try to show it with all the positives and negatives that naturally come with it.