#138: Where Is Your Excitement Button?
We all have one. When we press it, we are changed. For the better.
It is the question I ask every candidate in a job interview.
«What excites you?»
Honestly, most candidates fail miserably trying to answer this presumably simple question. Answers range from «I am really excited about interesting projects» to «nothing really».
What I hope to discover is the trigger that puts you into a different state, possibly even a state of flow. You are lost in space and time. No need for it to be related to work. Acknowledging to yourself that you have experienced such state before and how to put yourself into it is so precious. Telling someone else about it goes one step further.
That makes it real and tangible for me. It allows me to create an environment in which you possibly find that button in what you do and how you do it.
Your call then on whether or not to press it.
It’s magical!