#142: Yes, Mum, Times Have Changed.
I spent a full 12 hours at work today. On a Saturday. My mother couldn’t quite get it. Times have changed.
I am in charge of the finance funcation at a small edible hemp startup. I do projects, too. And sales. Plus parts of marketing. Production also relies on me whenever another two hands are needed.
So today was cleaning day. On a Saturday. I had borrowed my mother’s car and had to tell her that I couldn’t return the car because it was getting really late. Her statement on WhatsApp put a big smile on my face.
«And I thought you got hired to do the company’s finances and weren’t paid to do the clean-up.»
She is obviously right. Times have changed, though.
The world I have been part of for the last two years runs on different rules. What I signed up for at the time when I joined the team was to contribute to the venture’s success. I would give whatever I could, whenever and however needed. That wouldn’t just apply to me, but all of us.
Today, we delivered as a small team of three. Still a long way to go. We made yet another crucial step in the right direction.
I feel exhausted. Every body part hurts. I am satisfied and tired in a good way.
Times have indeed changed.