#149: A Gentle Reminder.
I completed the altMBA three years ago. What a life-changing experience. Time to remind myself of what I signed up to.
This morning I almost stepped on a tiny black raven pin in a small plastic bag. No idea where it came from and why it lay there. Hence, I picked it up and stored it away.
After a long and unproductive day I felt the urge to pick up my altMBA welcome pack. The inspiration for doing so must have come from the raven I saw earlier in the day.
I will do the hard part first.
I will embrace emotional labor.
I will think of myself as the type of person who can and does…
And I will act that way.
I will adopt a posture of generosity, giving without hope of getting.
I will care about people and the world around me…
And I will act that way.
I will dance with fear.
I promise I will continue to keep making a ruckus.
And then I’ll teach someone else to do so, too.
That is what it says on one of the cards included in the pack.
It reminds me of what I have been going through ever since completing the programme. Action has been the fundamental driver.
So if I am struggling right now, undecided on what to do, which way to go and whether to act, this is be a gentle reminder of what it comes down to.
And I will act.