#16: Last Hanging Fruit
We all know what to do when we see a low hanging fruit. What about the last hanging fruit? Who is it for?
You always start with the low hanging fruit.
First come, first served.
The winner takes it all.
This makes perfect sense. That is what we have been taught.
How do we deal with the last hanging fruit, though?
Pick it or leave it for someone in need?
We haven’t had that much snow in 20 years. More than half a meter.
The birds were quick in identifying a sea buckthorn hedge plant in our garden. It still carried fruits. There was discussion about pruning thereby cutting off those branches with the last berries on them, but we decided against it.
The birds are thankful. I can tell. Never before did I notice so many birds on one of our plants simultaneously. It was a real gathering around one of the few available food resources in the neighborhood.
I am happy I left them there.
It reminds me not to be greedy. To be more thoughtful. To care more.
Sea buckthorn berries may be negligible.
However, there might be a time when I will be grateful for someone to leave a few berries for me.
Sharing is caring after all.