#166: I Am Who I Want To Be.
This is me. That isn’t always easy to say, is it?
«I just didn’t want to be the kid with the cancer. So now I am the kid who plays the violine.»
You certainly are. And yet, who has the final say on that?
You might not even think that you are different from everyone else.
It might just be others telling you not only that you are different, but also in which way you are different from them.
They might go as far as labeling you, calling you names, giving you an identity that isn’t yours, pressuring you into a role you don’t want to be in.
You might fight them initially, until you realize that you can’t convince them.
Why not follow Harry S. Truman’s advice, which says that «if you can’t convince them, confuse them».
That is exactly what Tyler Butler Figueroa did. And not only that, he did it brilliantly.