#187: The Magic Of Keeping Going.
There is no such thing as a coincidence. And yet, some moments are more perfect than others to pick up a book titled «theWARofART».
I am a big fan of Steven Pressfield. His book The War of Art was mandatory reading in preparation for the altMBA almost 4 years ago. It is fair to say that it falls into the category of self-help books. Having read quite a few of those over the course of the last few years, this one stands out in more than just one way.
It contains no checklists. Instead, it serves as a mirror. You either see yourself in some of the chapters or you don’t. Furthermore, there isn’t a need for scientific backing of anything Pressfield puts into words. The story of his life is sufficient evidence of its practical application.
So the day after confessing publicly that I am not a professional yet, I pick up the book describing the traits of a true professional. It reminded me that there is only one single way to change that.
Do the work.
There is magic in keeping going. Thanks for the reminder, Steven.
Hence, I have decided to keep going. I will work my way towards story #365. My mission wasn’t completed in 365 days. So what?
It was an arbitrary deadline from the start.
It takes more time then. I need more time.
Fine. As long as I keep going.