#188: 88.

Roman Eggenberger
1 min readJan 2, 2022

Speaking of coincidences, this obviously isn’t one, although it carries all necessary traits.

The number 8 symbolizes the luckiest number in China as its pronounciation «ba» resembles «fa», which stands for «well off» or «becoming rich in a short time».

So here I am in our local shop to do my first grocery shopping of the year. Various products move from the shelf into my bag, some go back onto the shelf and others take their place. When I am almost done, I decide to buy a small pack of band-aids. No emergency whatsoever. And yet, I thought it was the right thing to do.

It turned out that I could not have been more right.

When the lady at the cashier’s desk told me that I owed her eighty-eight («88») Swiss Francs, I put on my best smile. Lucky me!

As if that wasn’t enough luck for one day, I made this my 188th post since the beginning of last year.

More than happy to share my abundance of luck with all the people around me.

