#194: Moving The Goalposts Is Perfectly Fine.
They stand there for a reason. Once they game has started, you are not meant to move them. You should. I strongly recommend you even make it a practice.
Forget about fairness. Don’t even mention the foul, the penalty or the threat of being ejected from the game.
So why be cool about it?
In so many games throughout your life, you set the rules, you are the referee and you play. All in one.
It has happened to me time and time again.
When I was 15, I was meant to join my uncle’s printing company to become a typographer. Unexpectedly, I had nowhere to sit. Hence, I became a banker for no better reason than my cousin haing become one 3 years prior. It turned out, banking could be a sensible career in those days.
Finding work in Geneva in the 90’s was a challenging undertaking. Changing course slightly after 60+ rejected applications resulted in a job in Lausanne. Beautifuly town. Why would I have ever wanted to live in Geneva?
Big Apple had always been on my list. It got a mention on every performance review. I even stressed the point on my first day at work in Zurich. Fast forward 6 years, with slim chances of an oversight assignment, and I end up in Hong Kong. I loved Asian food and had great chopstick skills, hence my place to be.
A restaurant had always been my dream. Then one day a coffee-loving friend of mine spotted a fully-fledged coffee truck. Its owner never replied to our inquiry. So we did our own thing. The baby is 3 years old now, far from being grown up, and named Granville Café.
Things always turned out differently. I never scored. Truly, I never would have, had I not moved the goalposts every single time. Typographer or banker, who cares? Geneva or Lausanne, same country anyway! New York and Hong Kong are similar in so many ways (if you focus on similarities). Brick and mortar restaurant or café on wheels, same same.
Looking back, I am a pretty good striker!
17:0 and counting, oh yeah!
Loud cheering from the crowd. Can you hear it?
As your own audience, you are also in charge of the screaming, shouting and clapping.
Keep it up!