#34: Oneness
We did it! We made it into the finals. Pure joy, gratitude and pride. Oneness I had never experience before.
I always considered myself a team athlete, emphasis placed on team rather than athlete for those who know me well enough. I played football throughout my youth. Football was a team sport after all. So I thought.
I had to move all the way to Hong Kong to realize what it really meant to perform as a team. It wasn’t about the top scorer, the team captain, the most experienced player in the team. It was only about the team. Nothing else counted.
Stronger, deeper, harder! That wasn’t just our motto, it is everyone’s in the dragon boat world.
When you are out of sync with the rest of the team, no need to hide. The people behind, in front and diagonally across you will notice. And, more importantly, they will let you know one way or another. It won’t be the nice and gentle way just in case you were wondering.
So what do I see when I look at a dragon boat race in full motion?
As one of the 18 paddlers on the boat, you are the boat. Boundaries melt and dissolve. You have become a constitutional part of the forward motion.
The way the team lifts the boat out of the water at the start is indescribable. Nothing I have personally experienced comes closer to flying without wings.
That is what makes dragon boating one of my few real Look, See, Be, Fly! experiences.
Loads of gratitude to my team.
10+ years have passed.
The connection remains strong.