#47: Decide On Your Past
«Once upon a time…» There is nothing wrong with a story going back in time, picking up elements from the past and building on them towards a «happily ever after».
The question for you is what to take with you and what to leave behind, if at all anything?
2012 was a transition year for me. Not only did I change jobs, I left a life long career behind me. It was more than just that. The switch from a global organization to a small business run by my in-laws was massive. Hence, it felt right to complete a section of the Camino de Santiago, the ancient pilgrimage trail in Spain, to commemorate the occasion.
Having chosen the Camino del Norte along northern Spain’s Atlantic coastline as my route, I was left with the decision what to pack into my backpack. As with most practical decisions in life, you find guidance on the internet on how to proceed most effectively.
Before getting into the process, though, it is worthwhile looking into the origin of the word «to decide». It literally means «to cut off». It is therefore the conscious act of cutting off what you leave behind and what you take with you.
Your luggage related decisions for the Camino range from clothing to gear, technical gadgets, toiletries all the way to items aimed at giving you comfort. I worked with a weight limit of 10kg, which sounds like a lot, but imposing such limit naturally forces you to make some tough decisions.
The same holds true when deciding on your past.
Who to stay in touch with?
Which skills to preserve, improve and adapt?
Which experiences of your past to bring forward into your future?
This goes beyond cutting out a few lines on your CV. You know well enough that your resume has always only been an imperfect derivative of who you really are. So this is about the elements you want to listen to when telling your own story, experiences that have shaped your character in a way that you say «this is who I am».
I have decided to surround myself with those people whom I perceive as «energy positive». Those playing a role in that part of my story that hasn’t yet been told. An experience when I threw myself into a challenge wholeheartedly and rose from it comes with me. The same holds true for experiences that I want to relive one way or another in the future. I cut off and pack those skills I want to work with going forward. This should not be confused with certificates or trophies aimed at impressing others. It is rather those building blocks that will help me build my future story.
Imagine you going through the timeline of your life events and picking those that come with a personal story and demonstrate purpose. That will be the material you will work with when writing the story of your life anew. Whatever you carry from your past into your future forms an integral part of your new story, carefully woven together.
Dragon boating has to come with me. altMBA, too. Rolling croissants, obviously. And the fools workshop, living in Asia plus starting a coffee business from scratch. College of Extraordinary Experiences and Do Lectures. Visualizing. Supporting my family during times of hardship. Raising two children. Thinking big. My enthusiasm, laughter, energy. Family. Werner, Flurina, Carlo, Stephan, Kurt, Sascha plus a few more. Love and care.
This feels like a pretty heavy load. No different from life, which can be pretty heavy at times.
However, as the narrator of my own story, I decide what flows into it and what not. It is my call to leave some parts blank and fill others with content. Whether I like it or not, a few items have to stay behind. I will be grateful for having done that. Carrying a lighter load will make my journey easier. No doubt.
And yet, packing a rain jacket and flip flops is mandatory. There will be long walks in the rain and beautiful stretches of sandy beach. Something to look forward to.