#68: Yes, and…

Roman Eggenberger
2 min readMar 9, 2021

Everything is an offer! Why couldn’t I see that before?

When you are on the run, you hardly recognize anything and your peripheral vision blurs. This could actually be a medical condition. However, that’s not what I am referring to.

Once you want to get out of a building, all you look for is the exit sign. There might be doors left and right, but you are unlikely to open any one of them. Any distraction would be a waste of time and quite possibly the cause of unintended consequences.

That is what it has felt like for me during the last few weeks. I had made up my mind and I had enough of almost everything.

Yes, and why not have a laugh despite it all?

Yes, and what if those who really counted felt differently about it?

Yes, and what if I just said «no»?

Yes, and that certainly makes my start-up experience even more special!

Robert Poynton, author of two of my all-time favourite books, Do Improvise and Do Pause, and one of the most thoughtful people I have ever been around with, sums up the practice of improvisation in just six words:

Notice more.

Let go.

Use everything.

That is exactly what I have decided to do. And I will (re-)start right now.

It ist easy.

I am privileged in all possible ways. I don’t really have anything to lose in this. Lots of people support me.

Forget pride. I thought I had thrown my ego out of the window, but I will happily do it one more time. There is energy and momentum around me.

Play it back. Challenge. Support. And most importantly, smile.

Smile more.

