#81: Colorful Terms.
It was once called the Great Eskimo Vocabulary Hoax. It is no more. Now we know that Eskimos do have hundreds of words for snow.
Do we have anything comparable here where I live?
It rains a lot. Then we have wind. It comes from various directions in different strengths, sometimes cold and then again warm.
We are also getting used to change. There is this saying that change is the only constant. It applies now more than ever before. At least, that is what it feels like. I couldn’t think of dozens or even hundreds of expressions for change, could you?
I feel tired.
That might be an angle. We are all exhausted. Fatigued. Drained. Lacking energy. Overworked. Stale. Worn.
Expressing ourselves in how tired we are might actually be our equivalent of snow. It might just be a side-effect of the pandemic. I am not sure. Beware of whatever is meant to be temporary. Hard to get rid of «temporary fixes». They are often there to last.
Statistics is a science of its own. There is one saying that Gen Z is apparently experiencing more pain right now than other generations. While 16% of Gen Z workers are struggling with «feeling engaged or excited about work», only 13% of my Gen X peers feel the same. Lucky me! If that was meant to give me a bit of comfort, Millennials are equally unable to «bring new ideas to the table» as my generation is.
I am lost for words.
That might be the snow of our time.
We don’t have 50 expressions for it, do we?
Talking about how it affects each and every one of us might be one way to develop and expand our vocabulary.
I feel tired might just be my version of it.
What is yours?