#83: I Don’t Get It If I Can’t Draw It.
I really can’t draw, but there are times when I just have to. My mind asks me to.
There are lots of reasons why to pick up a pencil and start drawing. Reason number 9 on the list is the one that keeps me doing it. So is 10, obviously.
Drawing helps me organize my thoughts. It puts structure around my thinking. This is particularly important when I am meant to explain what is on my mind to someone else.
However, that is not all. Drawing jointly or in front of someone «in real time» is so much more powerful than just presenting a drawing in its finished form. It has the potential to turn the drawing exercise into a co-creation experience.
«We have come up with this together, haven’t we?»
That might be true or might not. It doesn’t even make that much of a difference.
What counts is that I remain open-ended when diving into the process. I might have visualized a picture of the end result in my mind. Most likely, I would have already completed the drawing on my own.
Drawing supports this process greatly.
PowerPoint doesn’t. Anything prepared and printed doesn’t really.
Raw. Uncut.
I get it.