#97: You Can’t Be The Phoenix Unless You Burn.
We have all heard about it. Few have been there. Like a phoenix from the ashes…
«The Egyptians associated the phoenix with immortality» according to Britannica.
It wasn’t truly immortal, though. After living for hundreds of years, it would go up in flames only for another phoenix to rise from the ashes. There could only be one phoenix at a time.
You gotta burn. You need to be scarred.
There doesn’t seem to be a more convenient alternative to reaching rock bottom. That is when change is no longer a choice. It presents itself as the only option, the only way to rise up again.
Just to be clear, I don’t know what I am talking about. I have only heard others tell their stories. Books are relatively easy to digest. Podcasts and Youtube videos make it more tangible. When a friend gives you an insight into how dark darkness really is, it gets chilling. You don’t capture it intellectually as it goes beyond your imagination.
What I can imagine is getting consumed in flames. It certainly doesn’t happen overnight. It builds up.
Having the determination to not just give in, to fight back, to rise from the ashes, is the incredible part. There is no glory to it.
I don’t think so.
I keep thinking about the scars.