A Chorus of Praise on Emotional Expression
Consider this an experiment on a rather slippery slope. I have no degree in linguistics nor in psychology. Yet, I have compassion for the victims of Hate Speech and vigorously condemn everything and anything causing great agony and suffering for them. My motivation to speak up is triggered by lessons learned from a very intimate and generous exchange of personal experiences and perceptions with my fellow altMBA students.
Emotion. Expression. Hate. Speech.
As a modern society we are facing two problems. Emotions make us feel uncomfortable and expressing ourselves is a real struggle. Thus, Hate Speech is one way to express one’s emotions. Without a shadow of doubt, it clearly is the wrong and inappropriate form of asserting anger, avertion and pain and we all have a duty to stand up against it.
In contrast, being able to acknowledge, understand and express a feeling is a true gift. Surprisingly, or rather not, babies recognize a joyous emotion regardless of how it is presented. Sadly though, we seem to lose this ingenuity as we grow older and forget to practice consciously. Similar to training a muscle, it would involve hard work, commitment and endurance. And it can be extremely painful if one just digs deep enough.
A personal experience report from a fool workshop with Jonathan Kay, the 21st century Fool.
“I have a twin. You have one, too. We all enjoy the company of our twin. He is always there making life easy for us. Before we have thought hard enough (please take note: the focus is on the thinking part. No feelings involved!), our twin has already answered the question for us. In our best interest. Obviously. He represents all we have ever seen, felt, done, said and have forced ourselves not to see, feel, do and say. Thanks to him we don’t have to show empathy (please take note again and reflect for a moment: can you feel how difficult life would be without him? No, don’t think, feel.). He shelters our vulnerable self. As soon as we acknowledge his presence, he himself becomes vulnerable at the risk of becoming obsolete. That is what scares the shit out of him. So here we are, me and my twin scared to death.
Look, see, be, fly.
Move, then talk.
Create or be created.”
Understanding one’s own feelings is the first step towards sharing and understanding the emotions of others. Empathy.
True empathy has the power to disarm those who view themselves as your enemies. Let’s all create positive change by trying to be more empathetic in our daily interactions with others. It pays a large dividend to all of us.
No to Hate Speech. Yes to Emotional Expression.