How to relive tears of joy.
I couldn’t hold back. Not that I tried. What for?
I was standing in room with another 50+ people. We had reached the end of an intensive three day idea camp. Everyone gave without expecting anything in return. The reward was multiple times the investment as measured in time and energy. We all celebrated one another. Nobody stood out in the crowd.
Tears of joy rolling down my cheeks.
Are tears of joy the result of some sort of magic?
One of the definitions of magic according to Merriam-Webster is «an extraordinary power or influence seemingly from a supernatural source». I love the term «supernatural» as it implies a standard for what is or isn’t natural.
50+ people coming together at a remote place for 3 days for no better reason than to contribute to a meaningful cause, to share an experience and to feel what it means to be alive. No pay. No refund of travel expenses. Just the joy of giving.
When we behave seemingly naturally in our work environment, we hardly ever struggle with holding back tears of joy, don’t we? That is because we need to get s*** done. We do our best to complete a project before its deadline. Achieving a cleary defined target outcome gets us a reward or possibly even a promotion.
Seldom do we experience joy in those moments, though.
Forget tears.
Put away the goal. Ignore the outcome. Not even a high reward can possibly trigger an emotion as deep as tears of joy.
Could the emotions we experience during a journey and then relive once again when the journey comes to an end explain the magic?
First, we struggle. Then we can count on the support of a caring person. Suddenly, we work our way out of that hole and, last but not least, we see hope again. We do feel a sense of belonging. There is true connection. By holding someone else up, you can’t pull yourself up. It naturally puts you into a humble position.
When reliving such moment as part of a closing ritual, we imagine that we are experiencing it again. We smile. Then we realize that it belongs to the past. It might not repeat itself. We cry. Tears of joy.
The task is irrelevant. It is likely to come back in some other shape or form. No point in looking out for it.
People make the difference. Make sure that you surround yourself with those who care about you more than they do about the task at hand.
Enjoy the journey.
Let your emotions flow.
Tears of joy again.