Right, wrong or… make your choices!
The winner takes it all. We have all experienced this crucial moment. We know the answer. We raise our hand. So does John who sits next to me. He’s my best friend. And Jenny. She can be annoyingly stupid.
Come on, for god’s sake. This time I am absolutely 100% certain.
Mrs Jones picks Henry.
The tension is gone. He was right. Noone is given a chance to speak up. There is no second best. There is no other perspective. There is no mine and yours. It’s either right or wrong.
What if there was a world full of opportunities? A world of choices? A world where people were no longer obsessed with being right!
That’s what we are. We are obsessed. Right.
It’s not just about school. We want to be right. All the time. The alternative is being wrong. It doesn’t have to be that way, though. How do we get ahead in the Connection Economy?
We connect. We exchange. We develop. We make choices. It feels right. It is right. Now we take it all.