Something to say
We are all nothing, but how can we do it with ease?
(Jonathan Kay, 21st Century Fool)
Not very long ago, I reached that point in life realizing that I actually had something to say. It wasn’t like I hadn’t spoken before then — far from it — but I couldn’t really tell what I was saying. Not that anyone would have bothered asking me as we seem to have accepted that most people just speak without saying much, if at all anything.
Isn’t all that matters that we have something to say?
Saying something in such a way that others want to hear it is probably the purest and most precious form of connection. It’s direct, analogue and raw.
Whether or not I have to say something largely depends on who I am surrounded by. Those who don’t want to hear you don’t deserve the best of you. It takes time and effort to listen. An investment worth making, though.
Saying something isn’t trying to impress. It isn’t looking for recognition or admiration. It is the opposite of focusing on how someone else sees you. It is about you opening up.
What often stands in our way is us. We take ourselves so seriously most of the time that we forget about what matters most. Let’s speak to each other. Connect. It is so powerful and can change another person’s day if not life.